Did you miss our roundtable with Chick-fil-A, Checkers and others?

From your supply chain to retail operations, we’ve got you covered.

The CMX1 Platform enables companies of all sizes to gain control and transparency over their supply chains, deliver quality products and services, and ensure compliance and drive performance across their locations. With quality and consistency comes trust. CMX helps you build lasting trust that runs so deep, it’s love.

Discover how brands like Burger King, RaceTrac, Sonic Drive-In use CMX1 to build lasting trust.
CMX technology is as amazing as its impactful to the way we manage risks across our supply chain.
Nicholas Matlach
Director, Global Security Compliance, Hasbro
CMX is a tremendous partner to work with.
Diego Beamonte
Head of Quality Assurance for Restaurant Brands International
I couldn't even imagine trying to keep an eye on brand standards and food safety without a platform like ActivityStudio™ in place.
Rich Goodman
VP of Operations Services for Firehouse Subs
Our decision simply came down to ActivityStudio and CMX as a partner, being a better fit for our business.
Danielle Williams
Ops Services Manager, Checkers & Rally’s
In all of our extensive research and evaluations, we didn’t see any other platform that came close or was as user-friendly as CMX1.
Keith Bone
Vice President of Supply Chain, Quality and Regulatory Operations at Bulletproof 360
We consider ActivityStudio™ to be a game-changer.
Drew Roberts
Director, Brand Ops Performance at Buffalo Wild Wings
Of all the options we evaluated, CMX was the straightforward choice
Isaac Morton
Vice President, Information Technology, Sizzling Platter
David (1)
Working with CMX was an easy choice.
David Abney
Vice President of Quality Assurance, Sonic Drive-In
We chose CMX because of their proven technology platform, innovative design, and vision for ActivityStudio™.
Tim Foster
Senior Manager of Training for Firehouse Subs
ActivityStudio’s user experience, user interface, and capabilities are far superior to everything else out there.
Kevin McCullough
Safety & Risk Team Lead at TWO MEN AND A TRUCK®
CMX gives us the tools to provide better oversight of our suppliers and a new level of automation
Lindy Miller
Sr. Director Supply Quality & Product Innovation, Bloomin’ Brands, Inc.
It’s important for us to partner with a trusted company like CMX
Ozzie Brooks
Sr. Manager of Food Safety and Regulatory Compliance, RaceTrac.

But enough about us, let's talk about you

Whether your locations are local, national or global – and whether you have a handful of suppliers or thousands of them – you’re here because you understand the importance of quality and safety. 


You know that quality, safety, and customer experience are inextricably linked, and that consistency in execution is key to maintaining and protecting your brand reputation. You also know that keeping things consistent across all your locations, and maintaining the highest quality and safety standards is challenging, especially when shrinking margins are forcing you to “do more with less”. 


With over a decade of experience, CMX will help you solve these challenges and more.

Bojangles Logo

One platform for quality, risk and compliance

CMX1 is a user-friendly, cloud-based platform that 800,000+ users across 120 countries use to achieve and maintain Quality and Operational Excellence. Via a single platform, you can manage all your supply chain partners, products, and locations effectively and with confidence.

Manage your
Supply Chain Partners

Gain control and transparency over your entire supply chain and partner network

Ensure Product Quality & Safety

Ensure the quality, compliance, and safety of your products and services

Drive Location
Performance & Compliance

Know your stores, restaurants, and facilities are compliant and executing with consistency

What we do

With the CMX1 Platform, you gain complete transparency across your entire supply chain and partner network. With unparalleled control and visibility comes trust – everything you need to know about all of your suppliers and partners, at any point in time, in a single solution.  

Embed quality and safety into the DNA of absolutely everything you do, right through from design and sourcing to delivery. With its intuitive interface, automation, and ongoing monitoring, CMX1 helps you maintain the highest levels of quality, compliance, safety, and consistency across all your products and services. 

Have complete confidence that your customers can step into any of your locations and enjoy a consistently remarkable experience. With CMX1 delivering real-time data about each location, employees know exactly what they need to do to meet or exceed your brand standards and achieve Quality and Operational Excellence. 

Your brand is only as good as its last customer interaction. One sick or injured customer + social media, or worse… a major recall can cause lasting damage if not managed well. With CMX1 enabling Quality and Operational Excellence, turn your customers into advocates for your brand and watch those 5-star ratings flow.  

Your job is hard, no doubt about it. The sourcing and delivery of safe, high-quality food, consumer goods, and services is complex, risky, and the price of failure can be high. CMX1 gives you all the tools you need to take control and drive Quality Excellence across your supply chain, your products, and locations. We make your job easier, freeing up your time to focus on what really matters. 


Daily users


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Meet our heroes

Behind every great brand stands a posse of hidden heroes who work hard to maintain Quality and Operational Excellence.

“The technology is as amazing as it is impactful"

I am super proud to have been one of the first companies to pilot ActivityStudio™ as part of our global implementation of the CMX1 platform for conducting Global Security audits. The technology is as amazing as it is impactful to the way we manage our risks across our supply chain.

Nicholas Matlach Director, Global Security Compliance at Hasbro

“CMX has been a tremendous partner to work with"

Our operating environment is incredibly complex; we’re a global brand with locations around the world, our menu is diverse and we source from thousands of suppliers. It’s a tough problem to tackle and CMX was the right choice for us. With their platform, Burger King, Tim Hortons, and Popeyes have continued to aggressively scale, while maintaining control and oversight over supplier and product quality.

Diego Beamonte Head of Quality Assurance for Restaurant Brands International

“As we approach 1,200 locations, I couldn't even imagine trying to keep an eye on brand standards and food safety without a platform like ActivityStudio™ in place. "

And for our corporate staff, be it at the Executive or Vice President level, to have this level of visibility into our opportunities and our strengths and areas that need improvement has been invaluable.

Rich Goodman VP of Operations Services for Firehouse Subs

“The impact on Operational Excellence has been impressive and immediate."

We consider ActivityStudio™ to be a game-changer. With ActivityStudio™ we are better able to manage and maintain high-quality standards and consistency across all of our sports bars. ActivityStudio’s intuitive interface makes it very easy for our team to develop and execute programs to ensure all sports bars are compliant and operating with consistency.

Drew Roberts Director, Brand Ops Performance at Buffalo Wild Wings

“Having all our programs, content, and results in a single platform allows for the visibility needed to help our franchisees focus on continuous improvement."

ActivityStudio™ is already proving to be a huge stride forward for us in terms of ease of use and efficiency. We went through an exhaustive search and evaluation, reviewing nearly 20 different solutions before choosing to work with CMX. ActivityStudio’s user experience, user interface, and capabilities are far superior to everything else out there. 

Kevin McCullough Safety & Risk Team Lead at TWO MEN AND A TRUCK®

"In all of our extensive research and evaluations, we didn’t see any other platform that came close or was as user-friendly as CMX1."

Our business is complex in that we need to navigate both food and supplement regulations. We ultimately selected CMX and their supply chain quality management solution because of its breadth and depth of functionality. It addressed our needs without requiring customization. Sometimes you have to compromise with technology solutions, but so far CMX1 exactly the solution we wanted and needed. 

Keith Bone Vice President of Supply Chain, Quality and Regulatory Operations at Bulletproof 360

“Our decision simply came down to ActivityStudio™ and CMX as a partner, being a better fit for our business."

My jaw dropped when I saw how integrated ActivityStudio™ already was – so many things are automatically taken care of through simple configurations and automation, What used to take hours can be accomplished in minutes. And with one platform, we have one system and no silos. 

Danielle Williams Ops Services Manager at Checkers and Rally's

“Working with CMX was an easy choice"

CMX1 was the only solution that addressed our business problems and the flexibility of the platform allows us to address issues that we never imagined we could solve. It is easy-to-use and allows us to analyze our results and manage our supply chain efficiently.

David (1)

David Abney Vice President of Quality Assurance
at Sonic Drive-In

"CMX1 gives us the tools we need to provide better oversight of our suppliers, as well as a new level of automation"

The Supply Chain Management solution from CMX provides BBI a common management platform for all our suppliers, products and quality and compliance programs across the globe. It gives us the tools we need to provide better oversight of our suppliers, as well as a new level of integration, automation, and consistency that will allow us to scale our quality efforts as we continue to grow rapidly. 


Lindy Miller Sr. Director Supply Quality & Product Innovation
at Bloomin’ Brands, Inc.

“We are seeing much faster response times in identifying and addressing root causes for issues"

We chose to work with CMX because of their proven technology platform, innovative design, and vision for ActivityStudiotm. ActivityStudiotm gives us the ability to make updates and implement them to our system immediately. That flexibility and agility is critical when it comes to food safety and quality, which are paramount to Firehouse Subs and our brand mission of excellence.

Tim Foster-329_pp-1

Tim Foster Senior Manager of Training for Firehouse Subs

"CMX1 allows RaceTrac to have real-time food safety program visibility, business intelligence, and consistency”

We’re proud of the food we offer at our stores, and it’s important to us to partner with a trusted company like CMX to manage compliance through their extensive dashboards and supply chain tracking and monitoring capabilities. With CMX1, RaceTrac has gained new functionality to more effectively manage and continuously improve our operations in one centralized online system. The program allows RaceTrac to have real-time food safety program visibility, business intelligence, and consistency.

Ozzie Brooks Sr. Manager of Food Safety and Regulatory Compliance
at RaceTrac

“Of all the options we evaluated, CMX was the straightforward choice"

They were best on price and best on service. They understand our business and ActivityStudio™ is ideally suited to our strategy. ActivityStudio™ gives us a user-friendly, yet powerful platform to digitally transform our operations, quality, and safety efforts.

Isaac Morton Vice President, Information Technology, at Sizzling Platter

David (1)
Tim Foster-329_pp-1

The Path to Quality
and Operational Excellence

Regardless of where you're at right now or the technologies you may already be using, we can help you define a clear path to attaining and maintaining Quality and Operational Excellence.


Start small.

If you’re at an early stage of adopting technology to ensure Quality and Operational Excellence, then don’t try to bite off too much at once.

Learn more

Leverage your foundation.

Now that you have a single view of how your locations are performing in a couple of areas, or all your suppliers and partners are in a single place – you can start to address other aspects of your quality, risk, and compliance efforts.

Learn more

Bring it all together.

CMX1 is unique in that it’s a single platform for managing everything about your supply chain partners, the design and ongoing quality of your products, to the day-to-day performance of all your employees and locations.

Learn more

Take five to boost your knowledge

Latest news and updates about Quality and Operational Excellence, and the CMX1 platform.

  • ActivityStudio

    San Diego Business Journal | CMX helps its customers gain control over their quality, risk, and compliance programs

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    By CMX
  • Module Guide

    COVID-19 Solutions Guide

    Download Guide
    By CMX
  • Operations

    Sizzling Platter fuels aggressive growth with ActivityStudio™

    Read More
    By CMX

Download our eBook

Discover the five most important questions to ask potential QMS software partners so you can choose the best-fit system and partner for your company.

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Free OpEx eBook

Written specifically for leaders within the Retail, Hospitality, and Restaurant sectors, this eBook offers insight into how top brands are modernizing their OpEx strategies for greater success in the new era of compliance.

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