Meet Golding & Golding

Our Clients are our Number One Priority

Our international tax attorney team at Golding & Golding has helped thousands of taxpayers  successfully navigate the complex maze of offshore disclosure, FBAR & FATCA. Each client receives the personal and individualized attention they deserve.

Flat-Fee, Full-Service Tax & Legal Representation

Our International Tax Attorney team provides our global clientele with full-service tax preparation, legal representation, IRS follow-up, and examination defense — for a flat-fee

Learn More About our Areas of Tax Practice


The IRS Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP) is used to report Offshore & Domestic Income & Assets.


Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures (SDOP) help Non-Willful U.S. Residents get into U.S. Tax Compliance.


Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures (SFOP)  help Non-Willful Foreign Residents Avoid Penalties.


Delinquent FBAR & International  Return Submission Procedures are an Alternative to Streamlined & VDP.

Offshore Penalty Abatement 

If you have already been penalized either in an Audit or via an IRS CP15 Notice, we can help you Abate the Penalties.


We represent U.S. Citizens and Long-Term Residents with Expatriation, Covered Expatriate Status, Exit Tax, and Form 8854.


Amateur and Inexperienced Offshore Tax Lawyers put clients into bad tax situations. We help get them out of their tax messes.

International Tax Investigation & AUdit

If you are under investigation or or Audit for offshore income, assets, accounts, or investments, you should speak with Counsel.

Recent Client Testimonials

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:

“The whole process of correcting unresolved tax issues went smoothly as Sean provided me with a courteous, timely and professional service” –  Foreign Account Compliance Client

“The reason went with Golding & Golding was that we wanted to work with someone that had both knowledge and expertise as well as actual in-depth experience of working through international tax situations.” –  Offshore Compliance Client

“Sean has provided us with an outstanding service throughout the streamlined procedure. Sean is straightforward, knowledgeable, reliable and extremely responsive.” –  Voluntary Disclosure Client

“After searching for a good, recommended OVDP lawyer, I found Sean. He walked me through my problem step by step, keeping me in the loop throughout the process.”   – OVDP Client

My first call with Sean Golding was very reassuring, as he showed strong competency in this domain. He was upfront, clear, open, honest, and caring. Further communication with him and his team went quick and easy.. .” – Streamlined Client

“Sean and his team helped me navigating through a complex compliance issue including personal and business related tax matters. He is experienced, knew how to address my situation right from the beginning.  – Voluntary Disclosure Client

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Board-CertifIED Tax Law specialist?

Sean M. Golding is a Board-Certified Tax Law Specialist. There are more than 200,000 attorneys in California , and tens of thousands of them practice in some area of tax. Whether they are full time tax attorneys or they practice tax law as part of a bigger practice — tax law is everywhere. In California alone, there are less than 350 Board-Certified Tax Specialists. Why? Because the test is brutal, and the applicant must also meet rigorous ethical and experience requirements as well.

What Type of Tax Credentials & Experience should an Offshore Tax Lawyer Have?

A Tax Lawyer Specialist in Offshore Disclosure will generally have all five (5) of these main qualifications:

20-Years Attorney experience

-Extensive Audits, Litigation & Trial experience

-Board Certified Tax Law Specialist

-Master’s of Tax Law (LL.M.)

-Dually-licensed as an Attorney/EA or Attorney/CPA 

These credentials are considered “pre-requisites” for the effective practice of offshore disclosure law.

What is a reduced-fee initial consultation?

We offer reduced-fee consultations in 30-minute and 60-minute blocks. Our Attorneys will discuss your case with you in detail, including evaluating the facts, discussing potential strategies, and answering your questions.

Do You Offer Free Consultations?

No. These days, most free initial consultations are sales-pitches designed to prey upon taxpayer fear. It is referred to as fear-mongering or scare-mongering.

Do You Offer Second Opinions on Offshore Tax Compliance & Disclosure?

Yes, at the reduced-fee rates that we offer for our consultations. 

Since the requirements for the streamlined program and delinquency procedures are generally less onerous than traditional voluntary disclosure, it seems like every attorney with a few years of attorney experience and a handful of streamlined cases under their belt is suddenly an “expert.”  

Many of these attorneys who “claim” to specialize in this area of tax and law have no prior attorney experience, have never prepared tax returns with PFIC or related issues, and either just struck out on their own, or have non-legal experience they are trying to substitute for lack of litigation, trial and tax law experience. 

What does Flat-Fee, Full-Service Mean?

We are a Team of Tax Attorneys and Tax Professionals. For each case we accept, Golding & Golding representation includes tax and information return preparation (foreign trusts, FBAR, FATCA, foreign gifts, etc.), Legal Preparation, Legal Representation, IRS follow-up and representation in an exam stemming from the submission. In other words, we got your back!

What if I Already Hired Another Tax Attorney?

This is not a problem, and is becoming a question we hear all too often. The Client always has the right to terminate their attorney, receive back their documents and unused portion of their fees, and hire another attorney.

Is Previous Experience Working at the IRS Important?

No, and beware of Attorneys who falsely market prior experience they do not have. If an attorney worked in the offshore disclosure department as an Attorney for the IRS, that could of course be beneficial. Most A ttorneys who tout experience at the “IRS” have no experience working for the IRS in Offshore Disclosure.  The IRS has nearly 100,000 employees. 

Most of the IRS positions, such as Tax Examiner, Revenue Agent, or Tax Law Specialist do not require any tax, legal, or accounting background.

Just being a prior employee such as an “ IRS Agent or Examiner” for the IRS does not qualify a person as an Offshore Disclosure expert or specialist.

We see this problem over and over again, and inherit these types of cases from other counsel all the time.

What if I Find Your Content on Another Website?

We do not provide any other attorneys authorization to post our articles. Mr. Golding is a nationally-recognized author. He is a Tax & Legal Columnist for various periodicals & journals in the U.S. and abroad, and has been featured in various articles, including Forbes. If you see our writing on any other attorney websites, please drop us a quick email and let us know. We appreciate it!

Why is Your Telephone Number Not Listed on the Website?

We do not accept unsolicited calls. Our administrative staff schedules initial consultations by email to ensure there are no miscommunications, especially in light of the fact that we receive inquiries from clients in over 80 countries. Once a client retains Golding & Golding, they have full (and direct) access to the staff members assigned to their case.

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Golding & Golding, A PLC


930 Roosevelt Avenue, Suite 321, Irvine, CA 92620

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