Choose Simple Starts

Build Healthy Habits

Live Better

Share your health story and help Tennessee get to a healthier state. #ImHealthierTN

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Join the other Tennesseans who are getting healthier in a few simple steps.

Making healthy lifestyle changes is easier when you add simple, new habits to your routine. That’s why we created Small Starts.

How it works View the tools

Start Small.

Small Starts are simple, healthy actions you can turn into routine habits in as little as 10 minutes a day.

How do you start small?

Choose the tool that fits your lifestyle best.

Streaks for Small Starts

The app for those who like keeping healthy habits handy.

Small Starts for everyone

When you want your healthy choices to fall into your lap(top).

Small Starts for Families

Tips and resources to help kids from birth to early childhood.

Want to get others involved?

Use these easy guides to lead a group program.

Small Starts for Work

For a healthier, happier workplace.

Small Starts for Worship

For a healthier, happier congregation.
