The Attorney Marketing Center

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Of all the reasons there are for not achieving a goal, the biggest reason, it seems, is not wanting it enough. According to research, when you are excited about a goal, the structure of your brain literally changes to help you achieve it. Your brain causes you to see obstacles as less potent, making them less likely to stop you. Desire is the most important factor in goal achievement. But not the only one.…
I just read an article about marketing that points out something you and I already know: “Competition is fierce. . . consumers are inundated with options and may develop decision fatigue. So. . . they tend to [rely] on referrals and reviews from friends,” she says. “Highly competitive spaces breed the “who you know” type of purchasing decisions, or can drive you to offer a lower price as a competitive edge.” She makes it sound…
When was the last time you had a mind meld with your clients? And by that I mean, when did you spend time studying your target market and ideal client? To learn what they want, how they think, and what they already know? Do you know what they read? Who they listen to? What ideas are roaming around in their head? Do you know how they talk? Are you up-to-date with the legal and non-legal…
In the last few weeks, I was a guest on a couple of law-related podcasts. I told my story, shared some ideas, and got my name and links promoted to an audience of lawyers interested in marketing and productivity. When you’re the guest on a podcast, good things happen. You get traffic to your website, subscribers to your newsletter, and more clients or customers. And, that podcast lives on the net forever, which means you’ll…
Marketing is complicated–but it doesn’t need to be. In fact, all you need to do is answer 2 questions. These are the questions prospective clients want you to answer. Answer them well and you’ll be on your way to signing up a new client. The first question won’t surprise you: “Why do I need an attorney?” Yes, many prospective clients know the answer to this question, but not everyone. Some think they need an attorney’s…
You’re going to love this. You’ll love it because it’s a simple (and proven) way to bring in more referrals. A lot more. Instead of getting referrals onesy-twosy, you’ll get them in bunches. Two referrals lead to five. Five referrals lead to ten. When referrals beget referrals, your client base grows geometrically, not mathematically. The referrals come from the new clients who are referred to you. They also come from the original referring clients who…
Comes this question from a subscriber: “Do you notice you sell more courses by emailing every day? Just curious how effective it is.” The answer is, “Yes, of course. That’s the point.” It’s why I do it and why I suggest you do it, too. You don’t have to mail every day, but the more often you do, the more products or services you will sell. Provided you write something your subscribers want to read,…
Your referral network is more than just people who are willing to send you clients. It includes people who are can introduce you to people they know who are influential in your target market. This includes other professionals, business owners, consultants, sales people, and others who sell to or advise people in your niche. It also includes bloggers, authors, editors, meeting planners, podcasters, and others who have a list or a following. It also includes…
Many lawyers are verbose. They use 100 words to explain something when five or ten will do. They “bury the lead” under paragraphs or pages of background information. They clear their throat for ten minutes before they get to their first point. Early in my career, I did this. I’d like to think I’ve nipped that habit in the bud. Why are lawyers like this? Could be because we were taught to be thorough, to…
At the end of my emails, after I “sign” my name, you won’t find anything more than a link to my website. No social media links, logos, or images. No list of my credentials, disclaimers, or anything else. This is true for both my newsletter and personal email. Why do I do this? One reason: I don’t want to look like everyone else. When everything is pretty, you stand out by being ugly. When everyone’s…