Local Health Officer Services

Coronavirus COVID-19 Response

Role of the Local Health Officer(LHO)

  • Provide information for your community and your town government. Use local means to communicate: post office boxes, town office, grocery stores, etc.
  • Act in a reasonable and calm way when communicating information and fact sheets to the residents and town officials.
  • Work as a team with your code enforcement officer, local plumbing inspector, and local emergency management director.
  • Learn about COVID-19 - the signs and symptoms, and guidance on quarantine, and isolation.
  • Work with your Maine CDC District Liaison.
  • Take care of yourself and your family.

Information and Guidance

Maine CDC COVID-19: https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus.shtml

US CDC COVID-19: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

Information about Re-Opening Maine, and Business-Related Questions www.maine.gov/decd/

Dial 2-1-1 in Maine, or visit the 2-1-1 website at: https://211maine.org


Maine Testing Information, Standing Order for Testing, and Locations - https://www.maine.gov/covid19/restartingmaine/keepmainehealthy/testing

Covid 19 Test Centers Searchable by Zip Code - https://get-tested-covid19.org/

Fact Sheets:

Local Health Officers

Maine LHOs role began in 1885 and have had a long and proud tradition of serving their communities. The "Local Health Officer" (LHO) is a term established by Maine Statute.

The local health officer work force has a unique knowledge about how to assist and protect Maine citizens and communities. They are "on the ground", working along with public health nurses, other local health officers, environmental health officials, and other professionals who share the common goal of improving and caring for the health of their communities.

The LHO monitors his or her community through identifying and/or responding to immediate and trends in health risks to individuals or the community through town resident queries and/or the sharp eye of the LHO.

We recommend that you first contact your town's Local Health Officer if you have a complaint, question or concern about health risks, environmental risks, or landlord tenant concerns.