Aroostook - District 8


  • Covers Aroostook County
  • District Characteristics
    • 73,008 people (Census 2006 est.); 10.9 persons per square mile (Census 200est.)
    • 1 county government: Aroostook County
    • 68 municipalities (incorporated local governments) incl. cities, towns, plantations (Unincorporated townships are a recognized part of the District.  For the purpose of providing local health officer coverage, a township may be served by the local health officer of an adjacent town. However, if no such arrangement exists the Township is officially assisted by the Maine CDC.
    • 2 Federally Recognized Tribal Nations: Aroostook Band of MicMacs and Houlton Band of Maliseets.
  • Maine CDC District Contact
    • Stacy Boucher, MSHS
      Aroostook District Public Health Liaison
      Maine CDC
      30 Skyway Drive, Unit 100
      Caribou, ME  04736
      (207) 493-4087 (office)
      (207) 592-5632 (cell)
      (207) 493-4045 (fax)
  • Health Data and Information