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Find COVID-19 Information and Resources
Information from TN Dept of Health about the Ongoing Novel Coronavirus Outbreak

Resources For Providers

General Planning Information

Including People with Disabilities in Emergency Planning (National Council on Disability)

Accommodating Individuals With Disabilities In The Provision Of Disaster Mass Care, Housing, And Human Services- Reference Guide (FEMA)

Guide on the Special Needs of People with Disabilities for Emergency Managers, Planners & Responders (PDF)

An ADA Guide for Local Governments- Making Community Emergency Preparedness and Response Programs Accessible to People with Disabilities [PDF] (U.S. Department of Justice)

Disaster Planning Guide for Home Health Care Providers [PDF] (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)

Emergency Planning for At-Risk Populations: How Your Agency Can Be Involved [PPT] (UNC Center for Public Health Preparedness)

Mobile TIPS for First Responders (Texas A&M Center for Disability and Development)

Shelter Planning

ADA Checklist for Emergency Shelters (Dept of Justice)

Shelter Intake Form for Special Needs [PDF] (Red Cross)

Guidance on Planning for Integration of Functional Needs Support Services in General Population Shelters [PDF] (FEMA)


Evacuation Planning

Orientation Manual for First Responders on the Evacuation of People with Disabilities (USFA)

Accommodation and Compliance Series:  Employers' Guide to Including Employees with Disabilities in Emergency Evacuation Plans (Job Accommodation Network)

Lessons Learned: Special Needs for Katrina Evacuees Project Findings [Word] [PDF] (National Organization on Disability)

Planning for Individuals with Hearing Disabilities

DHHCAN Emergency Report [PDF] (Galludet University)

Toolkits and Trainings

Disability Etiquette [PDF] (Tennessee Disability Coalition)

Cultural Competency Curriculum for Disaster Response (DHHS-Office of Minority Health)

Emergency Preparedness Planning Toolkit for Diverse Populations (Center for Public Health Preparedness, Yale School of Public Health)

Diabetes Disaster Response Toolkit (American Association of Diabetes Educators)

Tips for First Responders (Tennessee Emergency Management Agency)

Risk Communicating Resources for Rural Areas (Georgia Southeast Health District)

Pictogram-based Signs for Mass Prophylaxis Services (Cambridge (MA) Advanced Practice Center for Emergency Preparedness)

How to Volunteer

Learn about becoming a volunteer to support the Tennessee Department of Health, hospitals, and medical care providers in a public health emergency